PCRIC Welcomes the World Bank Implementation Support Mission
26 October 2022
PCRIC Joins in with PRP’s TWG on Risk Transfers Learning Series
28 October 2022The Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Company (PCRIC) received an invitation to an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on Pacific Perspectives 2022 to be held virtually from October 27th to 28th.
Organized by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (United Nations ESCAP) subregional office for the Pacific and with the theme, “Accelerating Climate Actions”, the EGM will bring together key stakeholders and experts in climate-related issues to share views on challenges and experiences in tackling climate change across the Pacific region.
Results from the discussions of the meeting will inform the finalization of Pacific Perspectives 2022, which will be launched on December 6th. The Pacific Perspectives is a flagship publication which will focus on issues related to addressing climate change in the Pacific, highlighting four key thematic topics: disaster resilience; ocean and climate synergy; climate smart and digital trade; and energy transition.
Other participants invited to the EGM include key experts (academia, civil society, public and private sectors) from the Pacific and beyond, and from the Council of Regional Organizations in the Pacific (CROP) agencies and the United Nations.