MCA NZ Limited is contracted by PCRIC as its Investment Advisor and its activities include:

  • Developing the investment strategy and policy to ensure maximization of returns and protection of liquidity and solvency requirements, which includes the formalization of a reserve policy and a framework for managing both working capital and long-term reserves to be reviewed by the Board of Directors.
  • Providing advice on potential investments and suggested returns with respect to the existing portfolio of work and any additional products/changes to the company’s holdings. This must include a cost-benefit analysis demonstrating optimal returns and ensuring sufficient capital remains to meet expected probable maximum loss.
  • Preparing a capital replenishment plan to restore long-term reserves accessed in making payouts relating to the last cyclone season, this must include an options analysis demonstrating different returns and the time impacts for replenishment.
  • Monitoring the investments and reporting to Management and the Board of Directors.

See the Investment Advisor’s profile here

Visit MCA NZ Limited’s website here