It is with great pleasure that the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Company (PCRIC) Board Directors and Management team extend their heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Sitiveni Ligamamada Rabuka, Fiji’s newly elected Prime Minister.
As the Pacific region’s own specialist provider of sovereign Disaster Risk Management solutions, PCRIC expresses warm wishes of great prosperity and success to Fiji and her people under its incumbent government, and gratefully acknowledges the shared co-operation with the former administration.
As Fiji is a member of the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Foundation Council of Members, it is only fitting that PCRIC renders the homage that is rightfully due.
Without a doubt, the challenges and responsibilities in leading a nation is certainly a role that is nonetheless an honor bestowed upon by the people he will now serve diligently and fervently.
May the Hon. Prime Minister and his Cabinet let humility, compassion and wisdom govern their decisions in continually guiding the way forward towards a bright, hopeful future.
Best wishes on your journey ahead!