Webmedia South Pacific

Webmedia South Pacific is contracted by PCRIC as both a Website (IT) developer and Marketing & Communications Firm. Some of its activities include:


  • Securing an online presence for PCRIC through the identification of appropriate Domain names, social media profiles, software licenses and other infrastructure.
  • Supporting the establishment of a secure cloud-based document storage and sharing platform for PCRIC staff and provide basic tech support.
  • Supporting appropriate set up of company email and other communications software (Office 365, Zoom, etc) and provide basic technical support during implementation.
  • Development (and maintenance) of a website for the PCRIC to host key information on the company, the PCRAFI project, core strategic priorities, organizational functions and products.
  • Establishment of regular reporting of Website performance (Monthly reports)


  • Marketing and communication for awareness raising, informational and educational purposes to the general public in order to promote PCRIC and the value to countries of ongoing support and membership.
  • Marketing and communication to raise awareness and interest among additional Pacific Island Country Governments to encourage their participation in the insurance program.
  • Communication to educate potential beneficiaries and policyholders about PCRIC, including support in the development and presentation of knowledge-based products etc.
  • Communication with current and potential stakeholders and policyholders during all design and implementation of new products and product changes of PCRIC.
  • Communication and press releases on announcement of payouts, new members, product changes and other key milestones, managing pressures from various stakeholders and expectations.

See the Webmedia team’s profiles here:

Steve Reid

Peter Bennett

Susan Yee

Visit Webmedia’s website here