PCRIC is a donor funded entity established specifically to provide Pacific Island nations with access to disaster risk insurance and related services.

Our Vision

is a Pacific Islands region which is more resilient to the impact of catastrophic natural and climate disasters.

Our Purpose

is to equip Pacific Island nations with the tools, knowledge and opportunity to become more resilient to the financial impact of catastrophic natural and climate-induced disasters.

Our Mission

is to engage directly with the donor community and Pacific Island nations, developing and delivering appropriate, accessible and affordable pre-emptive disaster risk management tools.

Our Work

is focused on supporting improved post-disaster outcomes for the millions of Pacific Islanders whose lives and livelihoods are impacted by catastrophic natural and climate hazards. We engage regionally with governments and select SOEs and NGOs to provide bespoke insurance solutions. We advocate globally for greater levels of support and innovation in Disaster Risk Finance funding and delivery mechanisms.

Our Impact

is realised through the support and education we provide to national governments, SOEs and NGOs, and through the communities which benefit from the allocation of funding made available by a policy when a payout is triggered. PCRIC products act to help reduce local financial exposure by transferring risk, by providing a rapid response when disaster strikes, and by protecting budget integrity through externally-sourced funds to support economic, human and physical recovery and resilience expenditures.