Why Should Pacific Island Nations Pool Their Risks Together?
Risk Pooling is a fundamental concept within insurance. In Disaster Risk Insurance, a risk pool is created by combining the insurance needs of individual nations into a single diversified portfolio of risk.
PCRIC Establishes Partnership with the University of the South Pacific
The USP’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor & Vice President, Dr. Giulio Paunga shares his thoughts on the MoU signed last week with the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Company (PCRIC).
Hon. Professor Biman Prasad Shares Thoughts on PCRIC & DRF
Watch Fiji’s new Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Strategic Planning, National Development and Statistics, Hon. Professor Biman Prasad, share his thoughts on PCRIC and disaster risk financing.
PCRIC Addresses the V20 Ministerial Dialogue X
The PCRIC CEO was asked to address the 10th Ministerial Dialogue of the V20 as part of the roundtable on the G7-V20 Global Shield against Climate Risks and Debt Sustainability. Watch from 1 hour and 43 minutes.
PCRIC Shares Intervention at GD2
PCRIC was invited by the UN Climate Change to participate in the second Glasgow Dialogue (GD2) to deliver an intervention highlighting specific and tangible challenges faced by Pacific nations related to new funding mechanisms, with a particular focus drawing on PCRIC’s experiences.
Risk Pool CEO Global Risk Dialogue
Aholotu Palu, the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Company (PCRIC) Chief Executive, speaks on the overarching goal of moving the dialogue forward around the need for disaster risk finance (DRF) especially for developing countries in the Pacific region. This was a recorded session on the margins of COP27.
InsuResilience Global Partnership Annual Forum 2023
Aholotu Palu, the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Company (PCRIC) Chief Executive, highlights the pressing need for immediate assistance from the global community to provide premium financing to augment the financial protection desired of the Pacific to shield themselves from the impacts of climate change.
Risk is a Reality
Risk is everywhere… the Pacific Island region is especially vulnerable. Learn why the work of PCRIC is important to the future resilience of these nations.
PCRIC at COP28 2023, Dubai
PCRIC successfully hosted its inaugural side event at COP28 in Dubai, themed ‘Embedding Parametric Insurance in the DRF Toolkit at COP28.’ The event, held at the Blue Pacific Pavilion and supported by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) & the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), featured distinguished panelists.