While attending CHOGM to advance its work in the Pacific region, the PCRIC team had the special opportunity to witness King Charles III officiating the event’s […]
Since its inception in 2016, PCRIC has significantly expanded its footprint in the Pacific, with membership expanded to eight countries: Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Cook Islands, Niue, […]
In the first plenary session on practical solutions for enhancing disaster risk reduction finance at the Asian Pacific Ministers Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, Mr. Arsenio […]
Invited for the first time to participate in the Green Overseas Climate Finance Forum, hosted annually by the EU’s Green Overseas Programme and the UK FCDO […]
Following on from an informal meeting with Agence Française de Developpement (AFD) representatives whilst attending the 52nd Pacific Forum Leaders Meeting in the Cook Islands in November, 2023, PCRIC CEO, Mr. Aholotu Palu, and other senior representatives of PCRIC met representatives from AFD at their Headquarters in Paris, France on the 8th October 2024.
As an original contributor to the capitalisation of PCRIC in 2016, the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) has continued as an important partner in the work undertaken by PCRIC for the benefit of the Pacific Islands nations.
In an historic occasion for the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Company (PCRIC), the CEO, Mr. Aholotu Palu, represented the company at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) […]
The PCRIC CEO, Mr. Aholotu Palu, participated as a panelist at the recent Climate Insurance Forum, hosted by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) at its headquarters in Manila, Philippines. The panel featured representatives from regional risk pools, including CCRIF and SEADRIF, as well as organisations such as the Natural Hazards Commission of New Zealand and PT Reasuransi MAIPARK Indonesia.
Continuing its commitment to addressing the financial impact of weather and seismic related disasters throughout the region, PCRIC recently participated in a workshop hosted by Tonga's Ministry of Finance focused on the work of the Global Shield.