Concept Note for Launch of Thematic Window for Regional Risk Pools @ COP28

Concept Note for Launch of Thematic Window for Regional Risk Pools @ COP28

The Global Shield:
Unleashing Regional Resilience through a Thematic Window for Regional Risk Pools

Date: 3 Dec 2023

Time: 2.00 to 3.30pm local time (90 minutes)

Venue: CARICOM Pavilion, ca. 45 seats

Hosted by:  Global Shield Solutions Platform (GSSP) and the Regional Risk Pools

Supported by:  The Global Shield (GS) Secretariat


The objective of the side event is to launch the Thematic Window for Regional Risk Pools provided by the Global Shield Solutions Platform (GSSP).


This event is strategically designed to raise awareness and to delve into the synergistic partnership between the transformative Global Shield against Climate Risks (GS), the GSSP, and the Regional Risk Pools, emphasizing their united commitment to strengthen and to ultimately benefit vulnerable countries’ financial resilience to climate and disaster risks.

Through the Thematic Window, the Regional Risk Pools, including:

  • African Risk Capacity (ARC Group),
  • CCRIF SPC (formerly The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility),
  • Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Company (PCRIC), and the
  • Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Insurance Facility (SEADRIF),

Will be able to significantly amplify their endeavours, broaden their impact and bolster their work in developing climate and disaster risk finance products in order to protect countries against the impacts of natural disasters.

This event offers a unique platform to ignite insightful discussions on the Global Shield Solutions Platform with a focus on Regional Risk Pools. Its work focusses on promoting the development of innovative and improved financial solutions and on fostering climate and disaster risk understanding and management capacities in vulnerable countries.

The event will also support raising awareness and enhance public knowledge on the important work of the Regional Risk Pools as well as the GSSP and the GS. Their work illustrates what global efforts to address climate-related losses and damages can look like.



03 Dec 2023


2:00 pm - 3:30 pm


CARICOM Pavillion
Expo City, Dubai

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